Daycast will remind you of your clock-in status at the interval of your choosing if you enable Status Reminders. To do that, click the vertical ellipsis in the upper right corner and choose Settings from the dropdown menu.
In the Status Reminders section at the top, first check the box, then set your reminder frequency and select the days of the week you’d like to receive reminders.
Once you’ve enabled this feature, you’ll see notifications when you’re either A) clocked into a task for the duration of the time frequency you selected (e.g. thirty minutes), or B) clocked out of all tasks for the duration of the time frequency you selected. If you set your reminders for sixty minutes, but you change tasks more frequently than that, you won’t see a reminder. If you set them for thirty minutes and then work on the same task for thirty minutes (not clocking out of it at all), you should see a reminder notification.
If you believe your status reminders aren’t working, try setting them to one minute then clock into a task and stay clocked in for one full minute to see if you get a notification. If you still don’t see your reminders, click here for troubleshooting guidance.
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